Wednesday, May 21, 2008

More Siding and We find a Buy on some Cedar.

Mike & Dennis had worked Monday in the heat (89F) then Tuesday morning it was about 50F and raining. I told Mike to go ahead & setup for cutting inside (in the Family Room). They worked on hanging the ceiling of the covered porch and wrapping the back of the house.
Wednesday was a Russian religious holiday so the fellows took the day off and I cleaned up the mess, fixed some sound insulation that the wind had blown loose, then put in the insulation shielding around the heater "B" vents. I moved all the siding supplies from the open garage into the house. Our 3 remaining exterior doors are ready & Lynna asked to have them dropped off Thursday.

Tuesday afternoon, John took me out to his hometown of Scott Mills, north of Silverton. His brother & a neighbor have a small sawmill operation and we wanted to see some Cedar decking they had. They had a piece that was planed & it looked good. They had 12 footers, 8/4 X 6. There was enough to do our back porch and they wanted $1.50 a foot for planed stock or $1.00 a foot rough sawn. We brought a piece of the planed wood home to show Lynna and she liked it.
Today John & Ron put the deck ledger board on so the siders could start the back of the house on Thursday. They were ready to start framing the deck but Lynna wants me to do the rain drains & backfill first.

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