Tuesday, December 23, 2008

We received our first good dose of snow yesterday. We had been in the rain/snow transition area of the previous storms passing through our area and only recieved light dustings of snow which would be washed away by rain. Over the weekend we got some freezing rain but the ground was above freezing and the outside air temperature of 31F-32F wasn't low enough to freeze the warmer rain. The day started cloudy with a light drizzle that changed to heavy snow about 9AM. The heavy snowfall let up after an hour & I took these pictures. Soon the snow resumed & by day's end we had received about 4" of snow and it was 27F.

Lynna worked on cleaning up the dust left behind by the floor finishing. The sanding crew had vacuumed the wood floors but all the hanging lights and every other horizontal surface had a coat of fine sanding dust.

I made two 18" boxes to support our large cabinet while I fastened it to the wall with long screws and cabinet washers. When I had it hung, I test fit & hung the cabinets on either side. Then my neighbor, John, came up to see how things were going & offered help. He held the hood vent up while I fastened it into place.
Our finished floors look great but the Pall oil finish is closer to satin than the semi-gloss Lynna wanted. We could add an additional coat of another product to get more gloss but decided to see if we like this finish with more time.

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